Publikationsliste (Julius Kuhl)

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Journal Articles


Kazén, M., Kaschel, R., & Kuhl, J. (2017). State orientation and memory load impair prospective memory performance in older compared to younger persons. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, in press.   


Quirin, M., Wróbel, M., Pala, A. N., Stieger, S., Brosschot, J., Kazén, M., ... & Silvestrini, N. (2016). A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT). European Journal of Psychological Assessment.    


Renger, S., & Kuhl, J. (2017). Potenzialförderung durch Mentoring: Theoretische Fundierung und empirische Evaluation eines diagnostisch gestützten Programms zur Begabungsförderung. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 64, 64-76. 


Randenborgh, A., Pawelzik, M., Quirin, M., & Kuhl, J. (2016). Bad Roots to Grow: Deficient Implicit SelfEvaluations in Chronic Depression With an Early Onset. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 72(6), 580-590.    


Düsing, R., Tops, M., Radtke, E. L., Kuhl, J., & Quirin, M. (2016). Relative frontal brain asymmetry and cortisol release after social stress: The role of action orientation. Biological psychology, 115, 86-93.


Kazén, M., Kuhl, J., & Leicht, E. M. (2015). When the going gets tough…: Self-motivation is associated with invigoration and fun. Psychological Research, 79(6), 1064-1076.    


Kuhl, J., Quirin, M., & Koole, S.L. (2015). Being someone: The integrated self as a neuropsychological system. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9 (3), 115-132.


Kazén, M., Kuhl, J., & Quirin, M. (2015). Personality interacts with implicit affect to predict performance in analytic versus holistic processing. Journal of Personality, 83(3), 251-261. 


Wojdylo, K., Kazén, M., Kuhl, J., & Mitina, O. (2014). Individual differences in coping with mortality salience in Germany vs. Poland: Cultural world view or personal view defense? Polish Psychological Bulletin, 45(2), 249-256.


Wojdylo, K., Baumann, N., Kuhl, J., & Horstmann, J. (2014). Selbstregulation von Emotionen als Schutzfaktor gegen gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Mobbing. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 43(1), 27-34.


Quirin, M., Bode, R. C., Luckey, U., Pyszczynski, T., & Kuhl, J. (2014). Profound versus superficial coping with mortality threats: Action orientation moderates implicit but not explicit outgroup prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1-16.


Kuhl, J., Kazen, M., & Quirin, M. (2014). The theory of personality systems interactions (PSI). Revista Mexicana de psichologia, , 31(2), 90-99.


Quirin, M., Meyer, F., Heise, N., Kuhl, J., Küstermann, E., Strüber, D., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2013). Neural correlates of social motivation: an fMRI study on power versus affiliation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 88(3), 289-295.


Quirin, M., Gruber, T., Kuhl, J., & Düsing, R. (2013). Is love right? Prefrontal resting brain asymmetry is related to the affiliation motive. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7, 902.


Quirin, M., Düsing, R., & Kuhl, J. (2013). Implicit affiliation motive predicts intuitive processing. Journal of Individual Differences, 34(1), 24.


Kuhl, J. (2012). Der Wille, die Emotionen und das Selbst: Wie funktioniert freier Wille?. Existenzanalyse, 29, 39-49.


Kuhl, J. (2012). Hypnotherapie und Persönlickeit: Eine kurze Reise durch die Geschichte des Unbewussten. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Hypnotherapie.


Schneider, R. & Kuhl, J. (2012). Placebo forte: Ways to maximize unspecific treatment effects. Medical Hypotheses, 78(6), 744-751. 


Quirin, M., Loktyushin, A., Arndt, J., Küstermann, E., Lo, Y.-Y., Kuhl, J., & Eggert, L. D. (2011). Existential Neuroscience: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Investigation of Neural Responses to Reminders of one’s Mortality. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 25, 559-570.   


Kuhl, J. (2011). Adaptive and maladaptive pathways of self-development: Mental health and interactions among personality systems. Psychologia Rozwojowa (Polish Journal of Developmental Psychology), 16, 9-31.


Quirin, M., Hertzberg, J., Kuhl, J., & Stephan, A. (2011). Could Positive Affect Help Engineer Robot Control Systems? Cognitive Processing, 12, 375-378.


Quirin, M., Düsing, R., & Kuhl, J. (2011). Oxytocin buffers cortisol responses to stress in individuals with impaired emotion regulation abilities. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 898-904. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2010.12.005


Kazén, M., & Kuhl, J. (2011). Directional discrepancy between implicit and explicit power motives is related to well-being among managers. Motivation and Emotion, 35(3), 317-327.


Quirin, M., Bode, C. R., & Kuhl, J. (2011). Recovering from negative events by boosting implicit positive affect. Cognition & Emotion, 25, 559-570. DOI:10.1080/02699931.2010.536418


Kuhl, J., & Quirin, M. (2011). Seven steps towards freedom and two ways to lose it: Overcoming limitations of intentionality through self-confrontational coping with stress. Social Psychology, 42, 74-84.


Kuhl, J. (2011). Wie funktioniert das Selbst? Psychologie-Unterricht, 44, 23-27. 


Koole, S.L., McCullough, M.E., Kuhl, J. & Roelofsma, P. (2010). Why religion’s burdens are light: From religious practice to implicit self-regulation. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 14, 95-107.


Quirin, M., Koole, S. L., Baumann, N., Kazén, M., & Kuhl, J. (2009). You can't always remember what you want: The role of cortisol in self-ascription of assigned goals. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 1026- 1032.


Quirin, M., Kazén, M., Rohrmann, S., & Kuhl, J. (2009). Implicit but not Explicit Affectivity Predicts Circadian and Reactive Cortisol: Using the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test. Journal of Personality, 77, 401-425.


Quirin, M., Kazén, M., & Kuhl, J. (2009). When nonsense sounds happy or helpless: The Implicit Positive And Negative Affect Test (IPANAT). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97. 500-516.


Quirin, M., Beckenkamp, M., & Kuhl, J. (2008) Giving or Taking: The Role of Dispositional Power Motivation and Positive Affect in Profit Maximization. Mind and Society, 8, 109-126.


Quirin, M., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Positive Affect, Self-Access, and Health: Research Based on PSI Theory. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 16, 139-142.


Gröpel, P., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Work-life balance and subjective well-being: The mediating role of need fulfillment. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 365-375.


Quirin, M., Pruessner, J. C., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Adult attachment and HPA system regulation: Individual differences in reactive and awakening cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33, 581-590.


Scheffer, D., Eichstaedt, J., Chasiotis, A., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Towards an integrated measure of need affiliation and agreeableness derived from the operant motive test. Psychological Science, 49, 308-324.


Quirin, M., Pruessner, J. C., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Adult attachment and HPA system regulation: Individual differences in reactive and awakening cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33, 581-590.


Kazén, M., Kaschel, R., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Individual differences in intention initiation under demanding conditions: Interactive effects of state vs. action orientation and enactment difficulty. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 693–715.


Quirin, M., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Positive Affect, Self-Access, and Health. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 16, 139-142.


Kuhl, J. & Kazén, M. (2008). Motivation, affect, and hemispheric asymmetry: Power versus affiliation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 456-469.


Baumann, N., Kaschel, R., & Kuhl, J. (2007). Affect sensitivity and affect regulation in dealing with positive and negative affect. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 239-248.


Bahmer, J.A., Kuhl, J., & Bahmer, F.A. (2007). How do personality systems interact in patients with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and urticaria? Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 87, 317-324.


Kuhl, J., & Hüther, G. (2007). Das Selbst, das Gehirn und der freie Wille: Kann man Selbststeuerung auch ohne Willensfreiheit trainieren? [The self, the brain and free will: Can self-management be learned without free will?] Pädagogik, 11, 36-41.


Kuhl, J., Baumann, N., & Kazén, M. (2007). Which goals make good grades – and why? Motivation, intelligence, and teachers’ assessment of giftedness. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 11, 192-196.


Kuhl, J. (2007). Der Sinn und das Selbst: Experimentelle Bestätigung logotherapeutischer Prinzipien. [Meaning and self: Experimental validation of principles of logotherapy]. Existenzanalyse, 15, 22-41.


Gröpel, P. & Kuhl, J. (2006). Having time for life activities. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 14, 54-63.


Kuhl, J., Kazén, M., & Koole, S. L. (2006). Putting self-regulation theory into practice: A user’s manual. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 55, 408-418.


Kazén, M., Baumann, N.,  & Kuhl, J. (2005). Self-regulation after mortality salience: National pride feelings of action-oriented German participants. European Psychologist, 10, 218-228.


Kazén, M., & Kuhl, J. (2005). Intention memory and achievement motivation: Volitional facilitation and inhibition as a function of affective contents of need-related stimuli. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 426-448.


Baumann, N., Kaschel, R., & Kuhl, J. (2005). Striving for unwanted goals: Stress-dependent discrepancies between explicit and implicit achievement motives reduce subjective well-being and increase psychosomatic symptoms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 781-799.


Baumann, N., Kuhl, J., & Kazén, M. (2005). Hemispheric activation and self-infiltration: Testing a neuropsychological model of internalization. Motivation and Emotion, 29, 135-163.


Baumann, N., & Kuhl, J. (2005). Positive affect and flexibility: Overcoming the precedence of global over local processing of visual information. Motivation and Emotion, 29, 123-134.


Baumann, N. & Kuhl, J. (2005). How to resist temptation: The effects of external control versus autonomy support on self-regulatory dynamics. Journal of Personality, 73, 443-470.


Schneider, R., Kuhl, J., & Walach, H. (2004). From justification to discovery: A conditional testing approach to unorthodox forms of interpersonal interaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 509-525.


Biebrich, R., & Kuhl, J. (2004). Handlungsfähigkeit und das Selbst [Action competence and the self: Individual differences in coping with “inner capitulation“]. Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 25, 57-77.


Kuhl, J. & Kaschel, R. (2004). Entfremdung als Krankheitsursache: Selbstregulation von Affekten und integrative Kompetenz [Alienation as a determinant of illness: Self-regulation of affect and integrative competence]. Psychologische Rundschau, 55, 61-71.